Snowflake Earrings

Remember this post? Where I obsessed about finding snowflake earrings like the ones CG was wearing?

Goong Snowflake Earrings

Well, I went to Long’s Drugs today and I found snowflake earrings that are very similar (cubic zirconia) and only $12. However, there was only one pair left. I really want to keep them but my friend has been wanting snowflake earrings too and her birthday is coming up.

Snowflake Earrings


So yesterday, I graciously agreed to accompany my rooomatte to this Japanese mega-store to feed her bento obsession. The place takes 2 hours (one way) to get to and $10.30 round-trip. And I end up getting 6 things of which only one is for myself!! Grr.

I watched Bambino! for the first time and I admit it is pretty good although a little draggy in some places (although, I suspect that is just for the 1st episode expanded time). Jun-kun is so kawaii! He makes you want to hug him and he reminds me of Tsukasa when he yells. Actually, anytime Jun looks the least bit moody, he reminds me of Tsukasa…LOL! Check it out for yourself at with the links for the hard-sub version. Move fast because direct links will be taken down in a week if you’re not a fan of (or like me, don’t know how the heck to use) Clubbox or torrents.

I was also catching up on some high school friends(accquaintices?) facebook profiles. Sometimes, I feel like I am missing out on some of the college experiences, some of them make me feel sad. Life moves fast and in two years I will be booted out of here.

Growing up female

You know how much it sucks when you live your whole life trying to be a responsible and caring citizen and true to yourself and all that jazz and you find out that you were basically conforming all this time?!?

This week’s topic in education is gender equality. Here’s some quick facts: after puberty, girls find it no longer socially acceptable to be “tomboyish”, they learn to be docile and let the men take the lead. Girls become more distant from their parents. They face unhappiness with their body. Boys get more attention than girls in classrooms even when the teacher is trying to be equal (the ratio is somewhere from 5:1 or 3:1). Boys believe that their opinions are valued and are not afraid to call out answers or make mistakes. Girls usually assume the feminine pose in class (legs crossed, arms crossed, hunched) and are afriad of being embarrassed for getting a question wrong. Girls think that they are less likely to succeed in math and science…a competence drop follows the confidence drop. If girls pursue the sciences, it is usually biology. Girls are chatised for being a “classroom disturbance” but similiar behavior from boys elicits a “boys will be boys” response.

After reading this, I feel very angry. I resolve to be much more participatory in lecture and not give a flying fuck if I get something wrong. It is also shown that students who are expressive in school and have their opinions acknowledged are more likely to enjoy learning. No wonder girls do so much better in all-girls schools vs. a co-ed enviroment while there is no significant difference for boys in single sex or co-ed learning environment.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out Peggy Orenstein’s School Girls: Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap and Mary Pipher’s Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. The former is a case study at a Weston Middle School, it is so sad to see how differently a self-described feminist female student acts in the playground (boisterous and loud) and in the classroom (passive and quiet). The latter is profiles of several girls that the author sees as clients (she is a psychologist).

To go along with that, I consider myself a compassionate person and a proponent for basic worker rights. That’s why sweatshop labor is so sickening to me and I can’t believe that some of it occurs right here in California. That being said, I still shop at places that use sweatshop labor because like the gullible consumer I am, I am lured in by the bright and shiny things at super low cost (on a student’s budget).

When my mentee rattled off to me the reasons why she hates A&F (while I was wearing an A&F top): loud pop music, overwhelming smell, their racist/lookist policies, their use of sweatshop labor, and the oversexualization of their advertisement, I couldn’t help but redden. I had been told and by a 12 year old girl at that. She’s right though (no offense to those who are addicted to A&F). To set a good example, I swear not to purchase A&F again. It took the words of a child to make me realize how hypocritical of me it was to denouce racism, lookism, and sweatshop labor and then to shop at a store that helps propogate those very same things. But, I can understand why people want to shop there. I actually really enjoy the experience…I always feel really girly when wearing A&F and I guess there is a bit of brand-strutting. Realizing that I want to shop there to feel girly just makes me sad that what happens to girl in middle school happened to me. I was forced to conform to the typical “girl” stereotype.

So tired

It’s getting to be the time to go to bed and I can tell because my eyelids are drooping. Mac and Windows show a different viusal for this text editor. I wonder if there is a Mac simulator for a Windows machine, I think I saw one once. Wonder if that is even possible?

I got a journal today. It is small, black, leather. I really like it but unfortunately it’s not for me. Maybe S****a will get me one? Umm, I had a good dinner and then had more faxing adventures. And then read Econ. And tried to figure out next year’s schedule. I wonder if it is a better idea to double in Econ and BusAdmin or concentrate soley on BusAdmin, I could take a lot more Biz classes that way but I wonder which would increase my employment worth?

Playing Catch-Up

Sorry for the lack of weekend posts. This whole weekend was spent apartment searching. So, we were beat on the first place we applied to by a mere two hours but we are still going strong. I saw 5 places this weekend and we are waiting to here from one by Tuesday. Fingers crossed because it would be so nice to be certain how this summer is going to go. I went shopping on Sat. and spent $90 which might not sound like a whole not of money to you but I am a little amazed. Oh well, about $30 of it was for a friend’s bday gift. And I saw this cute jacket at H&M and a pant sale at Express…could not resist! I tried the tangerine Tazo Juice Squeeze at Starbucks and it was v. good if a little cold. Also, BN is having a 30% sale on bookmarks and journals so head on over.

ETA: Forgot to mention that I went to the Luau on Friday evening. It was a lot of fun! Great food and beautiful performances. The ukulele performance was so relaxing. I really want to go to Hawaii now. It must be a beautiful place to inspire so many beautiful things. Also, tried to listen to the John Legend concert but failed. But did get to catch Corinne Bailey sing “Put your records on”. That song is so good!

In other news, the world is still filled with racist idiots, see Democracy Now for stupid Imus in the Morning controversy.